
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Glenn Vilppu Drawing for Animation

Glenn Vilppu is a fantastic teacher, and a great artist. A true draughtsman of the figure in the tradition of the great artists of the renaissance.

His books and video lectures are awesome. Anyone serious about figure drawing, illustration must get their hands on his material. He conducts workshops, online training and guided tours. lucky Los Angels!

Here, I am collecting a series of articles that he has written in the Animation World Network Magazine, over a period of time. I am setting them here in a nice sequence for easy access.These are treasures.

Drawing For Animation

This is the ultimate series on getting started and mastering drawing. Very effectively tailored with the modern animation student in mind.

Spherical Forms
The Box
Introducing Material and Proportion
Drawing Ellipses
From the General to the Specific
The Landmarks of Anatomy
Seeing Anatomical Masses
Seeing The Figure As A 2D Object
Using Tone To Draw (Indirect lighting)
Getting a Handle on Direct Lighting
Using The Idea Of Atmosphere

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cartooning with George Leonard Carlson

George Leonard Carlson wrote a very concise book now available as Learn to draw comics , decades ago on how to draw cartoons. It is so concise and easy to read and follow. In today's context someone who doesnt want to go through the tedium of traditional art course, but want to hone up the drawing skills, maybe say for use in animation or graphics, this book would help you get there with ease.

Here are some samples from this wonderful book.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Charles Dana Gibson

Its hard to imagine how certain things would be possible without the instantaneous source of information that the internet offers. As time progresses we experience so many various things, some deeply embedded in mind, and always afresh, several others hidden a bit too deep.

One such piece of information is about an illustrator who drew some fantastic pictures for the famous story The Prisoner of Zenda. While at high school I always used to look at awe the beautiful illustrations accompanying the stories, and wondered who drew all these magical pictures. some had their names, some not.

Recently I stumbled upon a beauty of an illustration in Glenn Vilppu's website, and upon a little googling it lead me to the illustrator of Prisoner of Zenda. Charles Dana Gibson

There are plenty of his art work available for the pleasure of study on the Net. Looking at which one can be certain Gibson was a huge influence on the Golden Age Illustrators.